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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The Increased Risk of Flooding after a Wildfire

2/22/2022 (Permalink)

Wildfires destroy vegetation which absorbs rainfall and reduces runoff

After another warm summer, wildfires have once again been in the news a lot, especially in California. While many repercussions result after a devastating fire, the FEMA NFIP recognizes that an increased risk of a flood is one of the most serious consequences. In fact, floods are the most common and the costliest natural perils to impact property. Floods can occur in Fallbrook,CA, and in communities around the nation. The federal flood insurance program is one of the best ways for a property owner to protect against property losses caused by flooding damage.

How Wildfires Increase Flood Risk

The FEMA NFIP, as well as providing affordable flood insurance for residents and business owners, educates people about flood insurance and flood risk. The facts about floods after wildfire damage include the following information:

  • Wildfires destroy vegetation which absorbs rainfall and reduces runoff
  • Flood risk remains high in an area with wildfire damage for as long as five years
  • Wildfires create conditions favorable for flash floods
  • A flood after a fire is often severe

For those who live in a wildfire zone, it makes sense to purchase federal flood insurance. Most homeowner policies do not include flood insurance. Even property owners that do not live in a high-risk flood zone should consider flood insurance because many floods occur in low-risk areas.

How To Prepare for an Emergency 

Disaster preparation makes sense no matter what part of the country a person is located in. Knowing what to do in an emergency can save lives and reduce the severity of property losses. If a flood does hit a home, calling in a disaster mitigation team in Fallbrook,CA, is one the first calls to make. A team of trained professionals can bring in effective equipment for water removal and start the restoration process. For those who are part of the FEMA NFIP, they can begin to work on reimbursement for losses.

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